Posts Tagged ‘ US politics ’

The Next Right Looks For ‘Battleground’ Bloggers

Jan 26th, 2009 | By | Category: Citizen Media, New Media Organizations

Republican blogger and strategist Patrick Ruffini is looking for “a few good bloggers” to help cover local political races and grassroots initiatives from a conservative perspective. “Project Battleground” is Ruffini’s initiative to gather activist bloggers and conservative websites at the state and local level in “every battleground state and every competitive Congressional district” throughout the […]

Has John McCain Given Up On New Media?

Oct 28th, 2008 | By | Category: General

Video analytics and distribution company Tube Mogul looked at the past several months of metrics for You Tube videos featuring U.S. Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama: “John McCain’s campaign appears to be shifting resources away from YouTube. Overall, they are launching 39.8% fewer videos than last month, and 29.7% fewer than August. Perhaps […]

Google CEO On How The Internet Is Changing Politics

Aug 31st, 2008 | By | Category: Internet TV, Video

At the Democratic National Convention, Rachel Maddow interviewed Google CEO Eric Schmidt on how the Internet is changing politics. More videos from the Big Tent, the Google-sponsored facility for alternative media, are available on YouTube. via JD Lasica