Posts Tagged ‘ SanDisk ’

SanDisk CEO: The iPod Wars Are Over

Jun 3rd, 2009 | By | Category: Digital Music, iPods & Portable Media Players

The iPod Wars are over, and if anybody should know, it’s SanDisk CEO Eli Harari. The founder and CEO of SanDisk admits what just about everyone else has known for a long time: the iPod wars are over, and Apple won. “You can’t out-iPod the iPod,” says Harari. Harari’s facing the facts. In April, Piper […]

The Top 5 iPod Alternatives of 2008

Dec 15th, 2008 | By | Category: iPods & Portable Media Players

AnythingButiPod has an interesting round up of the top 5 MP3 players of 2008.  The Top 5 MP3 Players Of 2008 SanDisk Sansa Clip Samsung P2 Microsoft Zune 120 Cowon iAudio D2 Sony Walkman A720/A820 Of the SanDisk Sansa Clip, they say: The Clip is one of the cheapest MP3 players on the market, in […]

RealNetworks, SanDisk Team Up to Create iPod, Zune Alternative

Sep 18th, 2006 | By | Category: Digital Music, iPods & Portable Media Players

RealNetworks and SanDisk have announced plans to release a portable music player system that will compete with Apple’s iTunes/iPod combination and Microsoft’s Zune. The companies plan to release the Sansa Rhapsody, a portable music player based on SanDisk’s e200. The e200 series is priced starting at about $110 for a 2GB player with a color […]