Posts Tagged ‘ politics ’

Will John McCain Pull A Hillary When It Comes To Internet Media?

Jun 8th, 2008 | By | Category: General

The SFGate has published an interesting piece that looks at how Internet media affected Hillary Clinton‘s campaign: What hurt Clinton most, political analysts say, is that she couldn’t consistently use the newfound ubiquity of video to soften her image with voters. Or, as George Washington University Professor and new-media analyst Michael Cornfeld said, “It’s like […]

Is Social Media Behind Barack Obama’s Success?

Jun 6th, 2008 | By | Category: Commentary, General

Earlier in the week, Elisabeth noted that Barack Obama had wrapped enough delegates to secure the Democratic nomination and that he is actively using podcasting as part of his campaign strategy. Obama has run a remarkable campaign, and his campaign’s has made innovative use of social media, embracing not just podcasting, but Twitter, Flickr, MySpace, […]

MTV’s Street Team ’08 Offers Real World Citizen Journalism

Jan 31st, 2008 | By | Category: Citizen Media, Corporate Podcasts, Internet TV, Streaming Video, Video, Video Podcasts

MTV announced today that on Super Tuesday it will have 23 members of its citizen journalist Street Team ’08 covering it: Our enterprising citizen journalists will be on the ground, at the polling stations, caucus sites and candidate rallies, bringing you up-to-the minute news as it happens. The candidates aren’t going to be stopping on […]

Obama Fighting For The iPod Vote

Jan 26th, 2008 | By | Category: Internet TV, Strange, Streaming Video

Barack Obama delivers the Top Ten list on the Late Show with David Letterman: # 4 may be the best fake campaign promise yet!

NY Times Needs “Super Tuesday” Primary Stringers

Jan 23rd, 2008 | By | Category: Audio Podcasting, Citizen Media, News Podcasts

Doug Kaye, founder of volunteer network PodCorps, has clued us in on another one-time opportunity for podcasters. The New York Times needs local “radio producers” to gather audio interviews on Super Tuesday, February 5th, 2008, in the following states: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California (Northern & Southern) Colorado Connecticut Delaware Georgia Idaho Illinois Kansas Massachusets […]

Iowa Caucus Podcasts, Blogs & New Media

Jan 3rd, 2008 | By | Category: Citizen Media

Podcasting News is headquartered in Iowa’s capital city, Des Moines, so we’ve had a front-row seat for the preparations to the first-in-the-nation Presidential nominating caucus. I’ll be busy this evening working at our neighborhood caucus, but may have time to post some Seesmic videos later. Look for videos from podcastmama. Here are some resources you […]

Saudis Detaining Popular Political Blogger

Jan 2nd, 2008 | By | Category: Podcasting Law

Saudi political blogger Fouah al-Farhan is being held for ‚Äúpurposes of interrogation‚Äù. Farhan‚Äôs blog criticizes official corruption and advocates government reform, and has become one of the most widely read in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, a monarchy, restricts free speech and does not allow public political gatherings. The Saudi press has not reported Farhan’s arrest. […]

Podfather Adam Curry Backing Ron Paul

Dec 28th, 2007 | By | Category: General

Adam Curry, who along with Dave Winer helped pioneer podcasting, is backing Ron Paul for president and is using new media to do it: