Posts Tagged ‘ political videos ’

Take That, Rewind It Back; Usher Offers VOTE Video To Podcasters

Oct 30th, 2008 | By | Category: Podcasting, Video

From Rob Walch, creator and host of Podcast 411, and VP of Podcaster Development at Wizzard Media: “Usher has made a music Video. He is allowing podcasters to include it as an item in their feed.  This is a get out the vote message, and the version below has an intro from Senator Obama.   You […]

Personalized Video Paints Grim Future For Non-Voters

Oct 22nd, 2008 | By | Category: General, Strange, Video

A politically-obsessed friend in a nearby college town emailed that she had seen my name mentioned on a “national news website.” Interest piqued, I figured it was a rehash of something I did or said during those heady days of media attention early in the 2008 Presidential campaign, during the Iowa Caucuses, a million years – um, ten […]