Posts Tagged ‘ Limelight ’

Adam Curry On PodShow + LimeLight

Mar 1st, 2008 | By | Category: General, Podcasting Networks, Podcasting Services

Content delivery network Limelight’s legal problems won’t affect PodShow, says PodShow founder and podcasting pioneer Adam Curry: We have spoken with LimeLight management and they have assured us they will not go ‚Äòdark‚Äô. They have been a good partner to us, we trust them and stand by their word and their excellent service. As with […]

Limelight Loses Patent Infringement Suit With Akamai

Feb 29th, 2008 | By | Category: General, Podcast Distribution, Podcasting Networks

Akamai Technologies, which provides technology for the distribution of digital media like podcasts, announced that a jury returned a verdict today in its lawsuit against Limelight Networks. The judgement found that Limelight was infringing on Akamai’s content delivery patent. As a result, the jury awarded Akamai a staggering $45,526,946 in damages, plus interest. The verdict, […]