Posts Tagged ‘ godcasting ’

Churches Not Cut Out To Do Podcasting, New Media?

Oct 9th, 2009 | By | Category: General, New Media Organizations

Most churches and religious organizations are skipping podcasting and social media, and putting “shovelware” onto the Web instead, according to the Barna Group, an organization that does research on faith and culture. While there’s been a lot of talk about godcasting and using social media to connect with congregations, it looks like most churches, as […]

‘Theosis’ Offers Daily Devotions For Lenten Season

Feb 26th, 2009 | By | Category: Audio Podcasting, Podcast Quickies, Podcasting

The sight of workers with smudgy foreheads yesterday when I was downtown reminded me that it was Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the Lenten season which leads up to Easter. The Catholic Online website reports that Massachusetts-based blogger and musician, Susan Bailey, is publishing a daily podcast during the forty days of Lent. “Theosis” […]

Godcasting’s Second Coming

May 30th, 2008 | By | Category: Audio Podcasting, Featured Story, General

Back in 2005, so-called “godcasts” – religious podcasts – were one of the most talked about podcast genres.

Podcaster Craig Patchett in 2004 created the GodCast network, featuring a variety of Christian podcasts and even a Klingon Word podcast. Hundreds of churches followed suit, distributing weekly sermons as podcasts.

While mainstream coverage quickly moved on to other topics, godcasting is still going strong. In fact, recent research suggests that Christians are twice as likely as the average to be listening to podcasts.