Posts Tagged ‘ dance music ’

Ministry of Sound Launches Dance Radio For iPhone

Jun 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: iPhone

UK’s dance music “evangelists” Ministry of Sound have launched a new iPhone application, “Dance Radio.” The $6.99 app offers a variety of global dance music stations, and includes these features: Listen to a live stream of Ministry of Sound’s exclusive dance radio station Choose from Ministry of Sound’s handpicked list of the top 100 dance […]

Does Smoking Pot Lead to Classical Music?

Sep 14th, 2006 | By | Category: General, Strange

People used to think of marijuana as the demon weed, and that smoking it could lead to promiscuity, harder drugs, and even madness.Research by University of Leicester psychologist Dr Adrian North may reveal an even harsher truth: that marijuana leads to Mahler. Actually, North’s work reveals a correlation between marijuana use and classical music fans, […]