Posts Tagged ‘ Chris Penn ’

Free Twitter Power Guide eBook

Dec 27th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Story, Microblogging

Podcasting and social media guru Chris Penn has published a free eBook, the Twitter Power Guide, that’s a must-read for Twitter users.

The Future Of PodCamps

Nov 27th, 2008 | By | Category: Podcasting Events

PodCamp co-founder Chris Penn has posted his thoughts on the future of PodCamps, a series of user-organized podcasting conferences. Penn offers six suggestions for 2009 PodCamp organizers: Use the tools! 2008 showed rapid growth in every social network of note, and as organizers, the more you can help people meet and greet prior to the […]

Chris Brogan’s PodCamp Starter Kit

Sep 29th, 2008 | By | Category: General, Podcasting Events

Ever wish there was a PodCamp in your area? PodCamps are fun, free or inexpensive events for people interested in blogging, social media, social networking, podcasting, video on the net and new media, in general.  They’re also a chance to meet a lot of other cool podcasters. You might even end up in the greatest photo […]

Chris Penn On The Future Of Podcasting

Aug 21st, 2008 | By | Category: Commentary, Featured Story, General, Making Money with Podcasts

Podcaster and social media guru Chris Penn has posted his take on the future of podcasting, and says that “There are still hundreds of millions of iPods out there that have not tuned in, largely because people still don�t know how.”

Christopher Penn Talks Changes At PodCamp Boston

Jul 15th, 2008 | By | Category: Citizen Media, Featured Story, Podcasting, Podcasting Events

PodCamp Boston is coming up this weekend, July 19-20, 2008.

Unlike previous PodCamps, walk-in registrations cannot be accepted (building security needs a list of attendees). The deadline for registering for this weekend’s PodCamp Boston is noon (ET) Wednesday, July 16.

In advance of the upcoming conference, PodCamp co-founder and organizer Christopher Penn (creator and host of the Financial Aid Podcast) took some time out to answer questions about the event.

Chris Penn On How Podcasting Is Changing The World

Jul 13th, 2008 | By | Category: How to Podcast

Podcamp co-founder Chris Penn told a couple of stories at Podcasters Across Borders 2008 that demonstrate how podcasting is changing the world. Penn’s talk serves as a great reminder that there’s more to podcasting than making money.

Free 8 Step Guide To Podcasting Marketing

Jun 28th, 2008 | By | Category: How to Podcast, New Media Organizations

Social media guru Chris Penn has published a free eBook, the 8 Step Guide To Podcast Marketing Basics. Penn is the creator of the Financial Aid Podcast, co-founder of PodCamp unconferences, and co-host of the Marketing Over Coffee marketing podcast. “This is a super-short eBook (13 pages total) that asks 8 questions of you in […]