Posts Tagged ‘ 2008 election ’

5 Great Posts About How Obama Used New Media To Beat McCain

Nov 10th, 2008 | By | Category: General, Internet TV, Video

Everybody is analyzing Barack Obama’s historic win over John McCain and a lot of smart people have come to the conclusion that Obama’s use of new media was key to his win.  Here are five of the most interesting looks at the new media angle of Obama’s campaign: The New York Times looks at How Obama Tapped Into […]

A Reminder From Bruce Springsteen On Why You Should Vote

Nov 4th, 2008 | By | Category: Video

Just about the greatest song ever written about America, courtesy The Boss. If you live in the US, vote today.

The Best Political Attack Ads Yet: Star Wars Campaign Ads

Nov 4th, 2008 | By | Category: Internet TV, Strange, Video

See more funny videos at Funny or Die Attack ads from the bitter Palpatine-Calrissian presidential race. via Neatorama

Take That, Rewind It Back; Usher Offers VOTE Video To Podcasters

Oct 30th, 2008 | By | Category: Podcasting, Video

From Rob Walch, creator and host of Podcast 411, and VP of Podcaster Development at Wizzard Media: “Usher has made a music Video. He is allowing podcasters to include it as an item in their feed.  This is a get out the vote message, and the version below has an intro from Senator Obama.   You […]

Has John McCain Given Up On New Media?

Oct 28th, 2008 | By | Category: General

Video analytics and distribution company Tube Mogul looked at the past several months of metrics for You Tube videos featuring U.S. Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama: “John McCain’s campaign appears to be shifting resources away from YouTube. Overall, they are launching 39.8% fewer videos than last month, and 29.7% fewer than August. Perhaps […]

Obama iPhone App

Oct 2nd, 2008 | By | Category: iPhone

Barack Obama has introduced a new tool for catering to his wired backers – the Obama ’08 iPhone app (app store link). Features: Call Friends: A great volunteering tool that lets you make a difference any time you want by talking to people you already know. Your contacts are prioritized by key battleground states, and you […]

YouTube and C-Span Launch Nationwide Voter Video Project

Apr 7th, 2008 | By | Category: Streaming Video

YouTube and C-SPAN have partnered to launch a program to allow voters the opportunity to voice their views on the issues most important to them in the 2008 election. YouTube Voter Video on C-SPAN is encourages voters to respond to the question “What issue in this election is most important to you, and why?” From […]