
The Social Media Divide

Jul 23rd, 2008 | By | Category: Commentary, General, Microblogging

Shel Israel has posted an interesting article looking at how he’s begun to rely on Twitter as his “personal search tool”: I am coming to trust Twitter as my personal search tool…and here’s why: I can consider the recommender. Much of the information comes from people I already know and have chatted with online. Most […]

Hot! WordPress 2.6 Adds Tumblr-Style Blogging, More

Jul 14th, 2008 | By | Category: Microblogging, Podcasting Software

Matt Mullenweg has announced WordPress 2.6, the latest update to the popular blogging & podcasting platform. Five Hot Changes In WordPress 2. Press This! is back– this popular feature disappeared in an earlier update to WordPress, but is back with a vengeance. Inspired by Flock, FriendFeed, Facebook, Tumblr, and Delicious, and the Quick Post plugin […]

12Seconds.tv Like YouTube For Cell Phone Videos

Jun 27th, 2008 | By | Category: Internet TV, Microblogging, Video, Vlogs

12seconds.tv is a new site, now in private “alpha” testing, that is sort of like YouTube for cell phone videos.  The site “allows friends and family to record and share short video updates about what they are doing or where they are.” The site doesn’t currently have a lot of features yet, but you can post short videos […]

Twhirl Twitter Über-Client Gets Update

Jun 18th, 2008 | By | Category: General, Microblogging

twhirl, a desktop client for Twitter & Friendfeed, has been updated. It looks like it’s moving in the direction of becoming a general social networking client. According to it the official announcement: We took our time to make Friendfeed a lot more usable and add a few very nice features, including rooms support for Friendfeed, […]

BlogIt Streamlines Blogging From Your iPhone

Jun 13th, 2008 | By | Category: General, iPhone, iPods & Portable Media Players, Microblogging

Six Apart, creators of Movable Type, today introduced a free web application, Blog It for iPhone Powered by TypePad. Built specifically for iPhone’s Safari browser, Blog It for iPhone is designed to let you post blog entries or status updates, from wherever you are, to more than a dozen different online services. Blog It for […]

News Flash: Twitter Doesn’t Die During Keynote!

Jun 10th, 2008 | By | Category: General, Microblogging

Yesterday’s Steve Jobs keynote was a bust: he announced what people already knew he was going to announce, but little more. And the only real surprise was that Apple’s iPhone “price cut” was really a price hike, buried in your monthly AT&T bill. The biggest surprise of the day turned out to be that Twitter […]

Twitter Down Again? It’s Scoble’s Fault

May 30th, 2008 | By | Category: Commentary, Featured Story, Microblogging

Social messaging/microblogging site Twitter today addressed some of the most frequently asked questions about the site’s infrastructure, frequent downtime and what the company is doing about it. One of the most interesting comments they have is that Twitter power users are responsible for the site’s downtime: The events that hit our system the hardest are […]

Twittering From Mars

May 26th, 2008 | By | Category: General, Microblogging, Strange

The Phoenix Mars Lander has a Twitter feed, and as Evil Mad Scientist notes, the Mars Lander is Twittering in the first person: I’m sitting on very flat surface here. Tiny rocks around my foot pads. The horizon is flat and looks perfect for digging!!! It’s unclear if this is an official feed or not; […]

Magnify Offers WordPress, Movable Type Publishers New Video & Image Tools

May 14th, 2008 | By | Category: General, Internet TV, Microblogging, Podcasting Software, Video, Vlogs

Magnify has introduced a new service that promises to make it easy for Movable Type and WordPress publishers to incorporate media from a variety of sites. Magnify Publisher is a native blog application that lets you search for video, text, and images, using key words and tags, and embed the content directly into a post, […]

Is Google Going After Seesmic?

May 12th, 2008 | By | Category: Microblogging, Podcasting Software, Video

Google has released a new free Mac OS X app, Vidnik, that’s designed to make it easy for users to record video, add a Title, Tags & Description and upload it to YouTube: You can use Vidnik to create a video diary, or just to quickly record a video comment to attach to an existing […]