The Cartoon Guide To 2009 Social Media Trends
Dec 31st, 2009 | By James Lewin | Category: GeneralHere is a lookback at social media in 2009, in cartoons GIF versions and lots more social media cartoons at Rob Cottingham’s site. via RRW
Here is a lookback at social media in 2009, in cartoons GIF versions and lots more social media cartoons at Rob Cottingham’s site. via RRW
Corporate social media use grew 14% in 2009, according to The Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Their latest study compares adoption of social media over three years (2007, 2008 and 2009) by the Inc. 500. Highlights of the report: Social networking continues to lead the way. The technology that continues […]
Infoworld has published an article arguing that Apple’s rumored iPad will fail big time. According to Infoworld, “to believe that Apple can somehow succeed where all others have failed is to ignore some fundamental realities of tablet computing.” Infoworld sums up the prospects for the rumored iTablet, saying “Unless Apple pulls something truly revolutionary out […]
NewTeeVee reports that there’s now porn on the Roku Internet video system: A new channel popped up on Roku yesterday called EroticVision.TV that makes adult content available on the broadband set-top box for the first time. But the new “adult entertainment” channel hasn’t actually been approved by Roku, and it operates in a kind of […]
Silicon Valley Insider is reporting that Apple plans to demo the rumored Apple iPad in January: Apple is preparing to show off a new, larger mobile device with a higher resolution display in January — probably a version of the Apple tablet we’ve been hearing about for months — according to a plugged-in source in […]
This is a quick preview of the Fusion Garage JooJoo Internet tablet. The preview comes via Gizmodo, which has this to say about the upcoming $500 JooJoo: The tablet actually handled pretty well, with browsing web pages, transitioning between tabs (windows) and opening up new web pages working fine. There’s an accelerometer in there to […]
Time put together this concept video as a concept of what Sports Illustrated could be like on a future tablet computer. This is just a concept, but it’s clearly influenced by the iPhone’s industrial design and user interface design, and offers a vivid picture of why people are excited about the idea of an Apple […]
Make Magazine is calling on TechCrunch’s Mike Arrington to open source the failed CrunchPad project. When the CrunchPad concept was announced last year, Arrington made open source design a central feature: “Let’s design it, build a few and then open source the specs so anyone can create them. If everything works well, we’d then open […]
Royal Pingdom has taken a look at social network site use by gender, and found that social network site use is dominated by women: Highlights of their research: 84% (16 out of 19) of the sites have more female than male users. The social news sites Digg, Reddit and Slashdot have significantly more male users […]
Apple has opened up iTunes LP and iTunes Extras, publishing Templates, Best Practices and a Development Guide so that anyone has the capability to create interactive content that can be played back in iTunes 9 or on Apple TV. iTunes LP lets you create digital albums that include links to listen to album songs and […]