
Apple TV Gets Update

Jul 11th, 2008 | By | Category: General, Internet TV, iPods & Portable Media Players, Video

Apple has updated the software for Apple TV, without fanfare, to version 2.1. The updates include security improvements, support for using the iPhone or iPod touch as a remote, and support for Mobile Me content. What would really excite us would be if Apple opened up Apple TV to developers, like it has with the […]

Making Money With Social Media: Getty Images Plans To Build Business On Flickr Photos

Jul 9th, 2008 | By | Category: General, Making Money with Podcasts

An article in the New York Times today looks at how Getty Images plans to build a new business, based on licensing imges from social photo-sharing site Flickr: Yahoo and Getty Images said Tuesday that they have entered into a partnership under which Getty editors will comb Flickr in search of interesting images. They will […]

Verizon Drops Loren Feldman Like He’s Hot

Jul 8th, 2008 | By | Category: General, Internet TV, Video, Video Podcasts, Vlogs

Verizon has backed out of a deal with controversial video blogger Loren Feldman after just a week, after civil rights groups and bloggers protested Feldman’s work, which many consider racist. Feldman is no stranger to controversy, but his “Technigga” character, in particular, strikes many as bigoted. In a video entitled Where Are The Black Tech […]

YouTube Ready To Give Up Your Personal Browsing Info

Jul 7th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Story, General, Internet TV, Streaming Video, Video

A few days ago, we suggested that YouTube Needs To Grow A Spine, arguing that YouTube needs to “unequivocally state that they will defend your right to privacy, even if that means taking this all the way to the Supreme Court”.

Now others are starting to weigh in, and it looks like we are not alone in thinking that YouTube needs to grow a spine, if not more….

Using Internet Media To Fight Domestic Surveillance

Jul 7th, 2008 | By | Category: General

Four-hour work week author and blogger Tim Ferris talked to Daniel Ellsberg about new FISA (Foreign Information and Surveillance Act) amendments that promise to let big telecommunications off the hook, retroactively, for giving the government access to spy on you without warrant, and to make this type of activity legal. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act […]

NBC Has No Idea How People Want To Follow Olympics, Hopes To React In Real Time To What It Learns

Jul 7th, 2008 | By | Category: General, Internet TV, Streaming Video, Video, Video Podcasts, Vlogs

NBC, in a surprisingly candid statement, admits that it doesn’t know how people want to use the Internet, mobile phones, podcasting and other technologies to follow the Olympics. Instead, the company is trying to measure everything it can and try to react in real time to what it learns. “I have no idea how people […]

Why Do The Best Hotels Have The Worst Internet Service?

Jul 7th, 2008 | By | Category: General

I’ve travelled a lot in the last few years, and one thing I’ve noticed is that there seems to be an inverse relationship between the quality of hotels that you stay at and their Internet service: the more you pay for your hotel room, the worse the Internet service seems to be. I’ve had great […]

YouTube Needs To Grow A Spine

Jul 5th, 2008 | By | Category: General, Internet TV, Podcasting Law, Streaming Video, Video

YouTube has responded to a federal court order requiring the company, as part of Viacom’s billion dollar lawsuit, to give Viacom copies of YouTube’s server log files. These log files are needed by Viacom to help it determine the extent to which YouTube has been used to distribute copyrighted content without permission. However, Viacom doesn’t […]

Podcast Pioneer Dave Winer Intros

Jul 5th, 2008 | By | Category: General

Dave Winer, who created the RSS standard on which podcasting is based, has introduced a new site,, that’s basically a news aggregator presented in river-of-news format. Winer explains: “I created the site because I wasn’t getting enough news about products. It’s that simple. I’m interested in the other stuff too, the finance, trends, parties, […]

Podcasting Boost Radio Audiences

Jul 4th, 2008 | By | Category: Digital Music, General, Podcasting Research, Podcasting Statistics

People are leaving traditional radio behind for on Internet radio and podcasting, but a new UK study suggests that radio stations that embrace podcasting can actually grow their audiences. Research firm Ipsos Mori has found that 10% of those surveyed said they listened to less live radio after starting to download podcasts. However, 15% said […]