Will Push Pop Press Be The PageMaker Of iBooks?

Apr 28th, 2011 | By | Category: Apple iPad, General

Back when the iPad was introduced, we asked “Where is the PageMaker of iBooks?

Tablets are fantastic new platform, with incredible potential for revolutionizing publishing. But there have not been, so far, tools that bring multimedia publishing for tablets to everyone.

Wired has a post today about Push Pop Press – a new digital publishing platform that’s promises to change that.

Here’s what they have to say about it:

Using Push Pop Press authors can weave together text, images, audio, video and interactive graphics into immersive multi-touch interactive books, without dealing with the complexities and costs normally involved in software development.

Push Pop Press is currently in private beta being used to build more amazing titles.

The first title published with this tool is Al Gore’s Our Choice, demo’d above.

Features of Push Pop Press:

  • Easy to Publish – Layout and publish interactive digital books without writing code
  • Mixed Media – Tell rich stories using text, images, audio, video, maps and interactive graphics
  • Interactive Graphics – Embed interactive graphics that use the microphone, accelerometer and more
  • Multi-Touch User Interface – Edge-to-edge content without any distracting toolbars or buttons
  • Visual Table of Contents – Browse through hundreds of pages quickly and easily
  • Pages Load Instantly – Pages load as fast as your finger can swipe
  • Start Reading Immediately – Start reading the first chapter as the rest of the book downloads in the background
  • Updatable Content – Update your content without having to update the app
  • iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch – Publish one universal app that can be read on an iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

The initial buzz on this is going to focus on Al Gore’s book. But for people interested in new media publishing, the underlying publishing platform is the real story.

Details have not been announced yet . But if the platform actually does what the company promises and they get the price around the range of InDesign or Quark XPress, Push Pop Press promises to be huge.

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One Response to “Will Push Pop Press Be The PageMaker Of iBooks?”

  1. Lacie Knauf says:

    I plugged in a friends SIM and it found service and worked instantly without the setup. I didn’t try data or texts though.

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