This Video Clears Up Why You Still Have To Explain To People What Podcasting Is

Nov 2nd, 2009 | By | Category: General, Strange

Google asked 50 random people of different ages and backgrounds in Times Square in New York a simple question: “What is a browser?”

The results are pathetic and scary – but they make clear why you shouldn’t assume that people have a clue about how to subscribe to your podcast, how to watch your video blog, how to follow you on Twitter or the difference between a browser and a hole in the ground.

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6 Responses to “This Video Clears Up Why You Still Have To Explain To People What Podcasting Is”

  1. Maybe we should try calling podcasts "browser audio and video." 🙂

    This supports the need for direct download links on a podcast site.

  2. synthhead says:

    It supports the need for a lot of explaining, doesn't it?

  3. Mary-Lynn says:

    I think this video is eye-opening to the fact that there are throngs of people who have yet to adopt the internet in the way we new media / social media types have. What's nice is that we get to keep building up our presence on the web for the crowd that is here, and the crowd that is coming. Imagine the response to the question what is an RSS Feed Reader? That's why I also think it is so important to build an email list from your website. By now, everyone knows what email is!

  4. let'sbefair says:

    We can drive without knowing all of the car parts and mechanisms, eat without knowing what is in our food, and blissfully go about our business on the internet without knowing all of the jargon, no? Is it really necessary to know the vocabulary? Let's send a mechanic into google HQ and have the IT fellas "name that car part". The folks in IT seem to enjoy making other people seem less intelligent. Perhaps that's why their best friends are computers.

  5. let'sbefair says:

    We can drive without knowing all of the car parts and mechanisms, eat without knowing what is in our food, and blissfully go about our business on the internet without knowing all of the jargon, no? Is it really necessary to know the vocabulary? Let's send a mechanic into google HQ and have the IT fellas "name that car part". The folks in IT seem to enjoy making other people seem less intelligent. Perhaps that's why their best friends are computers.

  6. flying skier says:

    OK, mr Smarter than the average guy, "man in the street reporter" … (in your video) … why didn't u explain to us of the "peanut gallery" the difference between a "browser" and a "search engine" . . . and name some examples so we may become enlightened, and you would have become the savior of our cyber deficiencies…. I wonder, did you leave those 50 in the street wandering about still wondering ? ..but now we are just toads sitting in the "hole in the ground" waiting for some drunken IT to fall in the hole with us to spill the intel. Really tho, a cleaver idea of seeing what the public knows – – just consider completing your project.

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