Apple TV 3.0 Out, But Not The Update You’ve Been Waiting For

Oct 29th, 2009 | By | Category: Digital Video Downloads, Internet TV, Podcasting Hardware, Video, Video Podcasts


Apple today introduced new Apple TV 3.0 software, featuring a redesigned main menu, support for iTunes Extras and iTunes LP, as well as support for listening to Genius Mixes and Internet radio.

While it’s great to see Apple finally update Apple TV, anyone looking for the platform to open up, add an app store or just add support for Hulu, will be disappointed.

After giving the update a quick spin, the main benefits are slightly faster navigation and the Internet radio support.

The new Apple TV software is available immediately free of charge to existing Apple TV owners.

About The Update

The redesigned main menu on Apple TV gives you instant access to your favorite content. Recently rented or purchased movies, as well as other content including TV shows, music, podcasts, photos and YouTube, are accessible directly from the new main menu.

The new software allows Apple TV users to enjoy fullscreen iTunes Extras and iTunes LP.

iTunes Extras gives movie fans great additional content such as deleted scenes, interviews and interactive galleries. iTunes LP is the next evolution of the music album, delivering a rich, immersive experience for select albums on the iTunes Store by combining beautiful design with expanded visual features like live performance videos, lyrics, artwork, liner notes, interviews, photos, album credits and more.

Now Apple TV users can enjoy Genius Mixes through their home theater system and listen to up to 12 endless mixes of songs that go great together, automatically generated from their iTunes library. Customers can also enjoy Internet radio, allowing them to browse and listen to thousands of Internet radio stations, as well as tag favorite stations to listen to later.

Apple TV’s support of HD photos is enhanced with iPhoto Events, which simplifies finding your favorite photos on Apple TV, as well as iPhoto Faces, which gives access to photos organized by people identified in iPhoto.

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2 Responses to “Apple TV 3.0 Out, But Not The Update You’ve Been Waiting For”

  1. hella says:

    this update is shit. didn't want to update, started up my apple tv and it auto updated for me. Yay. Now boxee doesn't work, and my apple tv went back to being a useless pile of crap that can't read my external drive. Way to go apple, you nailed an epic fail.

    Safe to say I'm not the only one who will encounter this. Seriously pissed and want to drop kick the overheating shitbox apple tv.

  2. grrrrr says:

    you're absolutely right. you are not the only one who is pissed off about this. this update installed itself without my permission and without my intervention.

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