doubleTwist First Look Video – Could This Replace iTunes?

Oct 6th, 2009 | By | Category: Digital Music

Music startup doubleTwist today launched a new application, available for Mac and PC, that wants to replace the proprietary world of Apple’s iTunes with one where you can download music and sync it to any player.

Here’s how doubleTwist explains what they do:

Our vision is simple: to create a unifying media platform that connects consumers with all their media and all their devices, regardless of whether they are online or offline.Just like you don’t use a different browser for every web site you visit (Firefox to read the NY Times, IE to stream Hulu, Chrome to browse YouTube, etc) you shouldn’t have to use iTunes for Apple products, Nokia software for Nokia phones, Sony software for Sony products, etc. The typical household today has many such devices and there is a need for a simple and powerful software that connects them.

There’s a lot to like about doubleTwist. It’s an easy to use app and it could make life a lot easier for people with multiple portable media players. It’s built on Amazon, so most people will find it easy to purchase music.

doubleTwist doesn’t offer anything compelling for iPod/iPhone users, though, and the Music Store is only available on the Mac. Also, the store is currently US-only.

All-in-all, doubleTwist holds a lot of promise, but it currently has more promise than purpose.

It’s a free download, though, so check it out and let me know what you think!

Supported devices include:

  • BlackBerry – We have many happy BlackBerry users and support all the recent BlackBerry models such as the Curve, Pearl, Storm, Bold and Flip.
  • Sony PSP – Use doubleTwist to automatically convert your videos and sync them to your PSP; sync your iTunes playlists and photo library.
  • Palm Pre – automatically convert your videos and sync them to your Palm Pre; sync your iTunes playlists and photo library.
  • Archos 605 – sync your videos, iTunes playlists and photos. Other Archos models should work as well.
  • INQ1, INQ Mini and INQ Chat – sync your videos, iTunes playlists and photos to your INQ phone!
  • G1 and Magic Android phones – automatically convert your videos and sync them to your Android phone; sync your iTunes playlists and photo library.
  • Nokia N & E Series phones, including the N95, E61i, E62, and many others such as the 5800 XpressMusic- automatically convert your videos and sync them to your Nokia; sync your iTunes playlists and photo library.
  • Sony Ericsson Walkman & Cybershot phones
  • Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0 platform (e.g. Treo, HTC, Samsung) — currently PC only, will be available for the Mac very soon – automatically convert your videos and sync them to your Windows Mobile; sync your iTunes playlists and photo library.
  • LG Viewty and Shine – automatically convert your videos and sync them to your LG; sync your iTunes playlists and photo library.
  • Motorola (V9 and V3xx) and most Razr phones
  • Sansa View and Sansa e200 series
  • Amazon Kindle – sync audio files to your Kindle
  • iPhone with 2.0 firmware – load your iPhone with movies and let doubleTwist make the necessary conversions; iTunes playlists are also supported (PC only but Mac coming soon, 3.0 firmware not supported yet)
  • iPod – load your iPod with movies and let doubleTwist make the necessary conversions; iTunes playlists are also supported (PC only but Mac coming soon)
  • Nintendo DSi – coming soon! Load your DSi with music and let doubletwist do the necessary conversions
  • Most digital cameras
  • Most flash-memory-based camcorders are supported
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10 Responses to “doubleTwist First Look Video – Could This Replace iTunes?”

  1. Rob Blatt says:

    Amazingly, the spacebar DOESN'T START OR STOP PLAYING. I have little time for music players that make my life more difficult.

  2. Frank O. says:

    This sort of solves a problem that nobody has.

    Everybody uses an iPod and iTunes, so the only people who are going to care about this are the 5 guys that bought Zunes.

  3. Gomer37 says:

    How'd they come up with that name? Double twist?

  4. Vang Elis says:

    Evolution & DNA?

  5. It's handy for those who don't have an iPod. There are many various players out there, although many are just music only.

    It's apparent the software is still in development. One thing it needs is the ability to define multiple music libraries, not just the ones for Windows media and iTunes. (I have a separate folder I prefer to keep music in.) It would also be useful to be able to set up multiple directories. It shouldn't be depending upon directories for other software if it's trying to replace that software.

    The software also assumes the player can handle video even if it doesn't have the capability.

    Overall, the software has a way to go before it will reach the level of Zune's software, or even iTunes.

  6. Rob Blatt says:

    try again. No Zune support.

  7. dave says:

    I downloaded, installed it then uninstalled it. I have a sansa and an Ipod. Double twist doesn't support MPT mode which is how I use the Sansa. It saves me a few minutes when downloading songs because I don't have to reboot and refresh the Sansa's database in MPT mode. Without getting anything to work on double twist, I see no support for play lists. Why bother? there have to be other management programs out there for both Apple and generic MP3's
    I don't like Itunes, it doesn't support non-apple devices.

  8. Willis says:

    It’s not about who doesn’t have an ipod, because many of us will not get an iPhone because we do not like AT&T. So hopefully this program will allow me to put my iTunes music onto my Droid. That way I won’t need a separate iPod. My good iPod was stolen and I’m hoping this new phone can kill two birds with one stone. If worse comes to worse, I can convert all my music to mp3 and load it the old fashioned way.

  9. Willis says:

    Funny thing is when my iPod was stolen a friend kept trying to give me his Zune and couldn’t figure out why I didn’t want it. So maybe 6 people bought it. Ha ha ha. Have a great day everyone!

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