Wizzard Betting On Yo Mama

Aug 17th, 2009 | By | Category: Making Money with Podcasts, Podcast Distribution, Podcast Hosting

Podcasting network Wizzard Media has announced that it will be promoting and distributing three more iPHone apps – Word Party, Dietician and Yo Mama.

Wizzard hopes to leverage its podcast distribution network to market the apps in an effort to generate revenue. Wizzard believes this step will put it closer to its goal of profitability. The Company plans to continue to acquire the rights for up to 100 already launched and approved iPhone Apps to provide podcast producers with a continuous stream of relevant, paid advertising for their episodic shows, provide app developers with increased sales revenues and provide for profitable App sales for Wizzard.

“I envision customized Word Party apps for our various participating language and grammar podcasts and targeting the Dietician app to yoga, action sports and other fitness enthusiasts we can reach through the many Health & Fitness podcasts on the Wizzard network,” says Chris Spencer, CEO of Wizzard Media.

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No Responses to “Wizzard Betting On Yo Mama”

  1. Jim Williams says:

    I wonder if this will help them make up the 1.2 million they lost in Quarter 2? How long can the bleeding continue? Will Wizzard still be able to pay the hosting bills for Libsyn through the end of the year?

  2. Hi,

    Its good to know that Wizard Media promoting more iPHone apps, how well featured they are, time will tell.

    Keep Sharing

  3. […] Media is “Betting on Yo Mama.” Actually, more significant than it sounds – their strategy of monetizing podcasts with App […]

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