PAB2009: Podcasters Across Borders 2009 Kicks Off

Jun 19th, 2009 | By | Category: Citizen Media, Podcasting, Podcasting Events, Video Podcasts

PAB2009, Podcasters Across Borders 2009, kicks off today in Kingston, Ontario.

The three day event, running from June 19th to June 21st at The Holiday Inn Waterfront, offers sessions focused on audio and video podcasting, but also on using social media and building new media-based communities.

Most of all, the event is about meeting other people excited about the possibilities of new media. There should be plenty of opportunities for this, and this year’s event is sponsored in part by Molson Rickard’s White – which means some free adult beverages on the annual PAB boat cruise.

Events kick off today at 2pm. Cost for the event is cdn $150/person.

Schedule below. See the Podcasters Across Borders site for more information.


Friday, June 19, 2009

* 1:00pm Registration and Community Lounging
* 2:00pm Make Your Camcorder Sing Like a Canary (Paul Lyzun) [2hrs]
* 7:30pm Registration and Community Lounging
* 8:00pm PAB2009 Kick-off (Bob and Mark) and Keynote (Jowi Taylor)
* 9:30pm Socializing

Saturday, June 20, 2009

* 8:30am Registration
* 9:00am What Have We Lost? (Bob Goyetche)
* 9:40am JOLT! Now Here This! (Scarborough Dude)
* 9:45am Break
* 10:00am Curiosity Thrilled the Cat (Mark Blevis)
* 10:40am JOLT! JUICE: Get Your Creative On (Tod Maffin)
* 10:45am Break
* 11:00am While You Weren’t Looking: From the Visible to the Audible (Valerie Hunter)
* 11:40am JOLT! Reach Out and Touch Someone (Daniele Rossi)
* 11:45am Lunch
* 1:00pm Unkempt – The Creative Workflow of a Storyteller (Tim Coyne)
* 1:40pm JOLT! Podcasting Through the Side Door (Rob Lee)
* 1:45pm Break
* 2:00pm Why Monetization is Vital to New Media (Chris Penn)
* 2:40pm JOLT! Search Engines and Trust (Jay Moonah)
* 2:45pm Break
* 3:00pm A Good Picture is Worth a Thousand Words – Crash-Course and Quick Tips in Photography (Marko Kulik)
* 3:40pm JOLT! You Will Not F&*^#*g Talk About Me In Your Podcast (Tim Coyne)
* 3:45pm Break
* 4:00pm Develop Samurai Skillz to Help You Change the World (Rick Claus)
* 4:40pm JOLT! Are You Building or Are You Coasting? (Chris Brogan)
* 4:45pm Day two wrap-up and group photo
* 8:00pm Boat Cruise — PAB registrant partners and families are invited

Sunday, June 21, 2009

* 8:00am Pecha Kucha (community-organized)
* 8:50am Day two opening remarks (Bob Goyetche and Mark Blevis)
* 9:00am Spice Up Your Life: Creativity, Community and the Art of Masala Film-Making (Katherine Matthews)
* 9:40am JOLT! Where Do You Want Your Content, Today? (Rick Claus)
* 9:45am Break
* 10:00am A Healthy Mistrust of Authority (Neil Gorman)
* 10:40am JOLT! Alice in Podland (Yvonne Erlichman)
* 10:45am Break
* 11:00am We Are All Shanachies (Connie Crosby)
* 11:40am The Finalé: Twenty Minutes of Epic Awesomeness (Tod Maffin)
* 12:20pm Conference wrap-up (Mark Blevis and Bob Goyetche)

No Responses to “PAB2009: Podcasters Across Borders 2009 Kicks Off”

  1. IceClass says:

    Thanks but next time a little more heads-up would be good.
    Letting us know about an event that starts TODAY is not too helpful.

  2. James Lewin says:

    IceClass – here’s a link to our earliest post on PAB2009, back in Dec 2008.

    Point taken though that these sort of events deserve more coverage!

  3. […] PAB2009: Podcasters Across Borders 2009 Kicks Off PAB2009 , Podcasters Across Borders 2009 , kicks off today in Kingston, Ontario. The three day event, running from June 19th to June 21st at The Holiday Inn Waterfront, offers sessions focused on audio and video podcasting, but also on using social media and building new media-based communities. Most of all, the event is about meeting other people excited about the possibilities of new media. There should be plenty of opportunities for this, and this year’s event is sponsored in part by M […]

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