Behringer Podcast/Twitter Gear Giveaway
May 19th, 2009 | By Elisabeth Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, Microblogging, Podcasting, Podcasting Hardware Audio gear manufacturer Behringer is giving away a PodcaStudio gear kit in a Twitter-based contest:
To help you on your way to new media domination, Behringer is doing another Twitter giveaway. This time, we are giving away an amazing PODCASTUDIO Firewire Kit that includes
- a professional 8-input 2-bus mixer,
- a professional large-diaphragm studio condenser microphone,
- high-performance studio headphones,
- a table microphone stand and windscreen,
- professional audio software,
- a high-resolution FireWire audio interface for both Windows XP and Mac OS X operating systems,
- “How to Podcast” quick start guide, and more.
To enter, all you have to do is send a Twitter message (or Tweet) with the following text:
@BEHRINGERrocks Upgrade My #Podcast GiveawayThe last day to enter the first giveaway is Friday, May 22, 2009, at 5:00pm Pacific Time. The next Monday, two winners will be drawn at random and announced via Twitter message. Winners can claim their prize by sending a direct message to BEHRINGERrocks via Twitter with your real name and your address.
Contest entrants must be in the US or Canada. For other rules and restrictions and what they call “fun legal stuff,” see the Behringer website.
The “fun legal stuff” includes the fact that you can’t enter if you’re not in the U.S. or Canada. Blah.
Thanks for a interesting post!
Now i read a little informative resourse – – i think, it’s be usefull for a beginners
hope i win