Coming Soon: The Zune HD?
Apr 10th, 2009 | By James Lewin | Category: Internet TV, iPods & Portable Media Players, Video
Engadget has posted a set of pictures that it says are of a new Microsoft Zune HD.
Unfortunately for Microsoft, interest in the Zune is at an all-time low. It’s hard to imagine new hardware changing that, unless Microsoft can make a truly bold move with it’s concept for the Zune.
Do you think that an updated Zune HD could reignite interest in the Zune platform?
Unless Microsoft can shake the perception in the marketplace that they are purveyors of things related to work, and that they weren’t after total control of everything everywhere, it wouldn’t matter if they offered free blow jobs with every zune you buy.
They would have been much better to start it as a spin-off, fund the hell out of the new entity quietly through a couple of venture capital firms, and go after the market that way.
As it is, it doesn’t matter what they do. I wouldn’t buy a zune BECAUSE it has Microsoft in the name.
They’ve already proved that they cant write decent software with the bloated and expensive MS Office and proved it once again with the one day stoppage of the zune.
Stick a forks in it… Its done.
Its just some photoshopped ad layouts.
Given that the level of interest in the zune is at zero (and may slide into the negative as people just get rid of what they perceive as Microsoft inevitable “abandonware” and buy an iPod or something else.)
The zune is hobbled by its association with Microsoft. Microsoft already has the office, where people are stuck with them. Nobody wants to willingly put all of their eggs into a single basket.
Apple MAY be bad, but Microsoft is KNOWN to be monopolistic.
If you’re a business, you don’t want the Microsoft vs. Apple war to ever end.
An iPod Touch or an iPhone is clearly the superior mobile platform for business on the internet.
iTunes and the iTunes Music Store, or virtually any web browser capable of handling .m4a format, are clearly superior desktop platforms for business on the internet.
An iPod playing an .m4a file is still better than nothing.
MP3 players that can’t take advantage of the synergy of the players and the internet are sooo dead.
I have a first gen zune 30gb, I love it. I’m quite happy with it. My girlfriend like mine so much, she bought one for herself, the new 120gb.
There is only 1 disappointment that I have with the zune. The device is great, the zune client software is great, and the device software is great, the only thing it lacks is a web browser. They have a wireless chip in the device used for syncing and “” but they didn’t give us a web browser?
I will not buy the new zune if it does not have a web browser. If they don’t put web capabilities on the device, I’m sorry to say, I will be abandoning the zune and buying an ipod touch.