Feast of Fools’ ‘Obamafication’ Yields Feast of Fun
Mar 17th, 2009 | By Elisabeth Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, Podcast Quickies, Podcasting Popular GLBT website and podcast Feast of Fools: Gay Fun Show has changed its name, and will now be known as Feast of Fun: Gay Talk Show, or, as creator and host Fausto Fernos says,”just “Feast of Fun†or just plain FOF.”
Fernos, who hosts the weekly show with his partner Marc Felion, explains the broader effects of the change (bold italics added by me):
“[It] reflects our plans for expanding the programming, design and functionality of the site…. For over 11 years I’ve been thrilled to host Feast of Fools, from its first night as a drag queen variety show and a rock and roll cabaret, to its transformation into the world’s most downloaded talk show for a GLBT audience….
I’ve spent years thinking about how a name change would impact us and it just felt right to do it at this time. Since the last election was about change, Marc and I figured why not keep it going? Think of Feast of Fun as the Obamafication of our podcast. Change is good.”
I first met Fausto and Marc at the Podcast and New Media Expo in 2006, where they were awarded a People’s Choice Podcast Award (pictured, Fausto in the blue tux, Marc in the brown, at right). We had a great talk the next day, at the Podango “unconference” booth, where I was doing a session about (among other things) podcasting’s ability to broach difficult subjects, and build communities of like minded people across great physical distances. FOF has won the People’s Choice “Best GLBT Podcast” Award in 2006, ’07, and ’08.
Feast of Fools (or Fun) is informative and campy. This most recent episode, published today, gives an upbeat look at some indie newspaper publishing success stories. These are a nice counterpoint to the stories we are reading (and writing) about the demise of newspapers.
The RSS feed for the podcast is here.
FOF releases new episodes daily, not weekly.