PowerPress Podcasting Plugin Updated
Mar 14th, 2009 | By James Lewin | Category: Podcast Distribution, Podcasting, Podcasting Software The Blubrry PowerPress plugin for WordPress version 0.7.1 is now available.
The latest version includes a large number of new features as well as bug fixes.
New Features:
- Simple/Advanced Modes
- Simple Mode is perfect for podcasters just starting out
- Advanced Mode includes additional settings, tools and features.
- Enhanced iTunes Summary option (learn more)
- Create Unlimited Custom Podcast Feeds
- Each Feed includes the same extensive feed settings as the default podcast feed.
- Customize feed title, description and landing page
- Specify number of episodes per feed
- Hosted Feed Service Support (e.g. FeedBurner.com)
- WordPress Nonces support
- Added WordPress Roles and Capabilities support for User Role Management
- Additional player settings, specify audio player width and video player width & height
- PodPress Episode Import Tool
- Simple Mode for Podcast Entry Box (just enter the media URL and you’re done)
In addition to the new features, the update offers bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed duration detection bug
- Improved player in-page loading time
- Duration formatting improved for episodes that go over 1 hour.
The updated PowerPress can be downloaded here. More info below.
If you’ve used the PowerPress WordPress plugin, leave a comment with your thoughts!
Some of the features in depth:
Custom Podcast Feeds
The new Custom Podcast Feeds feature allows podcasters to create additional podcast feeds for syndicating multiple media formats or versions of their podcast. The advantage of using PowerPress Custom Podcast Feeds is you can decide which media file is associated with which feed at the time you edit your blog post.
Enhanced iTunes Summary
Enabling the Enhanced iTunes Summary option will automatically remove the HTML markup in a readable format for iTunes while including web links and links to embedded images. The web links and embedded images are clickable within iTunes and open in the default browser when clicked.
Simple/Advanced Modes
Simple mode is perfect for someone starting out who may not understand all of the options and settings available in Blubrry PowerPress. The Simple Mode displays only the essential settings required to get your podcast started.
The guys at RawVoice continue to impress they keep adding features that the podcast community has asked for.
We use it in multiple places and absolutely, positively love it !
The support is better than you can imagine and the features are designed by podcasters, to work for podcasters.
It’s good, but I wish it had some simple built in stats like podpress. I know they want you to use their stats service, but as far as I can tell, you have to insert their ads for the privilege. And frankly, I’m not interested in ads.
Where did you get the info that we force ads on you. That is completely incorrect in that their is absolutely no obligation for anyone to have advertising in their podcast by using our stats. All Advertising deals are on a 100% opt in basis, aka you choose if you wish to participate or not. No where do we state that you have to run ads to use our stats they are 100% free and no one is under any other obligation.
The only time we require podcasters use our stats is if “they” have decided to participate in an advertising deal with us that requires us to measure the downloads. The podcaster in all cases have agreed to participate in a advertising campaign.
We have a huge number of podcasters that are using our stats service and have never been on a advertising buy.
We have made the stats service available 100% free so that podcasters can use the data to build there shows and if at some point in the future the podcaster wants to explore advertising we have options available.
If you would please point out to me where you got the impression that you would have to run ads? Drop me a email at ceo@rawvoice.com
I have to say I think powerpress is the greatest. I’ve used it on three of my podcasts (Advent Calendar, Comedybeaver.com and ThrowingToasters.com) and it’s so slick, simple and easy to work with. The moment they add premium content like podpress used to have I will make the switch for Dr. Floyd.
BUT, let me tell you, the people at rawvoice are AWESOME and they are working on Premium Content. Each up date to powerpress just makes it more and more impressive. The moment it fits my needs for the Dr. Floyd site I will make the switch for good and never look back!
Todd –
“The only time we require podcasters use our stats is if “they†have decided to participate in an advertising deal with us that requires us to measure the downloads. The podcaster in all cases have agreed to participate in a advertising campaign.”
Perhaps I am not understanding this, and if that is the case, I am sorry. As I understand, if I am to have my downloads and file use (streaming, etc) data collected, then I have to use your advertising. While I am more than happy to add a link in my footer or what not for use of the plugin or stats, I am not ready to advertise within my podcast.
I’ll sign up as soon as I hear that I can keep track of downloads without advertising.
As for the confusion, it may come from this, which is in your terms and conditions:
a. Plan One is free to the Podcaster. All that we ask is:
i. To allow Blubrry the right to negotiate a single advertisement 30-40 seconds long for your podcast. You will always have the right of refusal to not participate in any proposed advertising campaigns Keypoint: You always have the right to chose if a campaign meets your sites objectives and or earnings potential and refuse to participate. All Advertising campaigns are voluntary!
ii. You agree to insert a short non obtrusive Blubrry site promotion in your podcast, if you choose not to have any blubrry negotiated advertising campaigns in your podcast, or if there are no advertising campaigns available at any given time.
I call that advertising.
And I will certainly send you a copy of this, in case you do not see it here.
The mention in your show that you belong to blubrry is not something we go tracking some do some don’t those that do help bring new listeners to the site organically. This helps all of the shows build new audience members. Those that do not choose to mention it probably are hurting those that don’t but is not something we go on the hunt for.
Advertising is available to every podcaster that is part of the community but that does not mean that every podcaster opts in, no one has to take advertising.
Since the initial terms of service were released we initiated a ad survey system and only those shows that fill that out are offered ad deals so many shows that are on the network have never ever even received a offer.
We will likely be updating the TOS to reflect some of the changes but I think you will find that we are as about as transparent and open about how we operate than anyone else in the space.
Thanks for the feedback I think you will find the stats service to be superior to anything your currently using as my entire team is podcasters and we all know what we need to see in the data points..
Todd –
“We will likely be updating the TOS to reflect some of the changes but I think you will find that we are as about as transparent and open about how we operate than anyone else in the space.”
This is really important. Most people don’t read the TOS and just sign up for a service. I have been guilty of this, and I mean most of the time. The TOS, the thing that we, the user, are agreeing to is our one true link to our “rights” with a service. I would like to know when you update this, and how your TOS changes.
“We will likely be updating the TOS to reflect some of the changes but I think you will find that we are as about as transparent and open about how we operate than anyone else in the space.”
Does this mean that I am free to break a TOS that I agreed to? If I do not mention your service, but I use your service, then I am breaking my agreement with you. That doesn’t sound like a good relationship, and is something I would rather not do.
But I will say this. It is rare that your get an opportunity to either complain or disagree with a TOS or (especially) a software license. Usually, a person is bound by an agreement they either do not understand, nor do not agree with in the first place. I look forward to fleshing this out more with you and your company.
This sounds sort of scammy from the comments.
Any reason to switch from PodPress here?
To me, this sounds like a great plug in.
I am in the process of getting a new blog/podcast site up, and to be honest, there are a lot of options out there.
I would love to see a side by side feature comparison of the various podcasting plugins (like consumer reports charts).
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It seams great but I do miss the old version of podpress with suport for premium subrcribers. That is what is missing. Let me know when it comes I will happly migrate from podpress.