‘Theosis’ Offers Daily Devotions For Lenten Season
Feb 26th, 2009 | By Elisabeth Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, Podcast Quickies, Podcasting The sight of workers with smudgy foreheads yesterday when I was downtown reminded me that it was Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the Lenten season which leads up to Easter.
The Catholic Online website reports that Massachusetts-based blogger and musician, Susan Bailey, is publishing a daily podcast during the forty days of Lent.
“Theosis” is a series of daily devotions hosted by Fr. Seraphim Beshoner, a history professor at Franciscan University. The five (or so) minute podcasts do not follow the daily readings of the Roman (Catholic) Lectionary for the scripture readings, but are inspired, rather, by the Eastern (Byzantine) Church.
Beshoner also hosts the “Catholic: Under The Hood” podcast.
The blog and podcast are here.