Garage Punk Looking For Podcasters
Jan 27th, 2009 | By Elisabeth Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, Podcasting, Podcasting Networks The Garage Punk website and Garage Punk Podcast Network are looking for podcasters who would like to help produce the Garage Punk show. Prospective hosts should be experienced podcasters whose shows are already part of the Garage Punk network.
Garage Punk proprietor Jeff Kopp (Kopper) says <excerpted by me>:
I’m going to open the floodgates to anyone out there that thinks they may be able to produce a podcast for us on an ongoing basis (looking for one new show to post every three weeks and possibly another to post less frequently than that). BUT it’s gotta be good.
Looking for someone that can mix things up musically (esp. regarding mixing the cool, timeless old shit with great NEW bands) and deliver it all with excitement, gusto, and some creativity.
We need to hear your personality coming through in both the music you choose to feature as well as your “on-air” delivery. Extra points if you’re Canadian (we’ve lost both of our Canadian shows recently) or Australian (I would LOVE for someone to start doing an all-Aussie/NZ show for us… any takers?).
Kopper, who also produces the Savage Kick podcast explains that the Garage Punk gig is not a paying one, but that the Garage Punk podcast has a “rather large audience with typically over 1,200 daily subscribers and downloads of around 3,000 per episode.”
Interested punk podcasters should submit their current show here. More information about applying to host the Garage Punk podcast is here.