VoloMedia Launches Podcast Metric for iTunes

Oct 21st, 2008 | By | Category: Podcasting Research, Podcasting Services, Podcasting Statistics

Startup digital advertising and technology firm VoloMedia has launched a new version of podcast advertising tracking plug-in that is compatible with Apple’s iTunes.

VoloMedia, formerly PodBridge, has created downloadable software that is designed to measure audience activity, such as how many people listen to a particularly podcast. The program also works as an ad-serving platform, letting marketers place timely messages within podcasts and other digital content even after they’ve been downloaded to various devices.

The company has created a version of its plug-in that works specifically with iTunes. Podcasts that contain the VoloMedia plug-in will feature three clickable buttons, identified as “Share,” “Bookmark” and “More” — which allow users to automatically spread content, much like they do with videos on the Web.

via AdWeek

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No Responses to “VoloMedia Launches Podcast Metric for iTunes”

  1. Reed Kavner says:

    Thanks for picking this up, James.

    If PC users want to try out the plug-in, it’s available at http://www.volomedia.com/volocast#pn And a Mac version is on its way!

    Reed Kavner

  2. Jim Williams says:

    Why is this company spying on people. It is like they are putting software on people’s computers that is calling home to moma. Very shameful actions by this company.

  3. Dorian Gale says:

    Why people assume that every application that offers for free content that any other way would be payed for,
    and in return tracks the usage of that content only is spying?
    You are really not that important to anybody, and definitely not worth the effort of “spying” on!

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