Adam Curry Hosting New “Techertainment” Internet TV Channel

Oct 9th, 2008 | By | Category: Corporate Podcasts, Internet TV, Video

MEVIO has announced the launch of TeXtraTV, a new technology entertainment channel that combines the best technology shows, reviews and video clips with some of the top celebrity hosts in technology.

The company hopes to make TeXtraTV the MTV of technology video.

According to Ron Bloom, co-founder and chief executive officer of MEVIO, “In the same way that MTV created a new category of entertainment with music video, we are doing it with technology. I call it techertainment.”

TeXtraTV is hosted by former MTV VJ, podcasting pioneer and MEVIO co-founder Adam Curry and features other internet and traditional media tech personalities such as columnist and author, John C. Dvorak; former MarketWatch reporter, Bambi Francisco; co-founder of Girls in Tech, Adriana F. Gascoigne and GeekBrief.TV host, Cali Lewis.

MEVIO is planning on launching a full-scale technology network, combining TeXtra’s rich video and audio programming with a headline-driven editorial content.

Shows include John Dvorak’s Tech 5 Report, GeekBrief.TV, Games Weasel, Lab Rats and Root Access, as well as new content from MEVIO producers in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and London.

TeXtraTV is the first of several, premium online channels MEVIO plans to unveil in the coming weeks.

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No Responses to “Adam Curry Hosting New “Techertainment” Internet TV Channel”

  1. taniaelis says:

    Ahhhh – that hair!

  2. PodTown says:

    […] Mevio (ehemals Podshow) kündigte den neuen Kanal “TeXtraTV” an. TeXtraTV ist der erste von mehreren geplanten “Premium-Channeln” und soll zum “MTV der Technik-Videos” werden. In dem Kanal werden die besten Technologie-Sendungen, Reviews und Video-Clips von Mevio-Mitgründer und Podcast-Pionier Adam Curry präsentiert. Auch  John C. Dvorak (Autor), Bambi Francisco (MarketWatch-Reporter), Adriana F. Gascoigne (Girls in Tech) und Cali Lewis ( werden in dem Channel zu sehen/hören sein. (via Podcastingnews) […]

  3. Mwan says:

    Can you provide with info about internet TV hosting please?
    Thank you
    All regards

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