OLPC Users Get Video Sharing Site
Sep 6th, 2008 | By James Lewin | Category: Citizen Media, Internet TV, Video Video sharing site Dailymotion has announced a partnership with the One Laptop Per Child Foundation to let OLPC XO computer users share videos online.
Beneath its toylike exterior, the XO is an advanced device with a rotating screen, dual laptop-tablet modes, a regular color display for photos and videos and a high-contrast black-and-white mode for daylight visibility. It uses a Linux-based OS and and user interface, named “Sugar”, designed specifically for children.
The OLPC is not, though, compatible with the Adobe Flash player that video sharing sites rely on.
Dailymotion has therefore partnered with the OLPC foundation to consider new projects involving video, and to create a dedicated space to save the videos created by XO users: olpc.dailymotion.com. This page begins with the content of the Dailymotion OLPC group and hopes to bring together fun and educational videos for children from 6 to 16 years-old.
Somewhat exaggerated. The OLPC XO doesn’t ship with Adobe Flash, but users can install it.
Nevertheless, since Flash is proprietary, we prefer to use open formats.