Inaugural PodCamp Seattle Highlights Corporate Social Responsibility
Jun 21st, 2008 | By Elisabeth Lewin | Category: Citizen Media, Podcasting, Podcasting Hardware, Video, Video Podcasts The latest in the series of participant-organized, Open Space “unconferences,” PodCamp Seattle debuts today (June 21, 2008) at the University of Washington Communications Building.
Colleague, friend, and Edelman Digital social media expert Eric Weaver is one of the event’s organizers. He says that the focus of the Seattle PodCamp will diverge somewhat from previous PodCamps hosted elsewhere:
“Typically, podcamps draw technology enthusiasts. We’re going to shift this one slightly by including marketers and people interested in corporate social responsibility. ”
Toward that end, the day’s sessions are split among four tracks:
Introduction to podcast and new media topics
Marketing – PR – Advertising
Technology (nuts and bolts of online tools)
Social Good
Each track has four sessions planned, with space available for a fifth if topics and facilitator/presenters emerge at the event.
Confirmed presenters include two people whom I’ve either interviewed (Paolo Tosolini, Microsoft Academy Mobile) or heard speak (Kathy Gill, University of Washington), and a whole host of other experts in photography and video, public relations and marketing, podcasting, microblogging and advertising and beyond.
If you happen to be attending PodCamp Seattle, leave us a note in the comments, and tell us your highlights of the day.
YOU ARE SO NICE! Thanks for the plug! 😀
Are you/Jim coming to Gnomedex?