LonelyGirl15 Creators Sign CBS Deal

May 15th, 2008 | By | Category: Corporate Podcasts, Internet TV, Podcast Distribution, Podcasting Networks, Streaming Video, Video

EQAL, the studio behind faux-vlog shows LonelyGirl15 & KateModern, has signed a deal with CBS to create online content.

The two companies will work on producing multi-platform content, including online and mobile, around CBS programming. EQAL will work on a non-exclusive basis with CBS at consulting, producing and scripting.

“This partnering signals CBS’s attention to the web as a new medium across both interactive and the network,” said CBS president Quincy Smith.

via NMA

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One Response to “LonelyGirl15 Creators Sign CBS Deal”

  1. Zane Safrit says:

    Huh. So, on the same day that CBS announces they plan to buy Cnet, they announce…they’re buying lonelygrl.

    Ok. Cool.

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