Free New Content Delivery Network
Apr 30th, 2008 | By James Lewin | Category: Podcasting Services Velocix today announced the availability of its free Velocix Accelerator digital delivery service.
The new service is aimed at the growing and vibrant community of entrepreneurs and new start-up ventures, as well as larger organizations looking to distribute rich media such as video, music, games and software on-line. Velocix’s service is designed to ensure that website visitors have a good experience when downloading content, viewing videos or browsing web pages from anywhere in the world.
“Our Velocix Accelerator service,†said Phill Robinson, CEO at Velocix, “turns the CDN sector on its head.”
The free service includes a 500GB per month delivery allowance for file download, video progressive streaming and website acceleration services.
“Velocix Accelerator is perfect for our needs right now as we build our audience and drive awareness and adoption of our unique business model,” said Adam Urban, CEO at Uploaded.TV. “Our users around the world are already benefiting from Velocix with uninterrupted video playback, and a highly responsive Uploaded.TV website.”
Uploaded.TV is a next generation social network where users can appear on TV and buy airtime as easily as booking an airline ticket.