Video Contest Asks: What Is Remix Culture?
Apr 29th, 2008 | By James Lewin | Category: Podcasting Events, Video Total Recut is a site that provides online resources and social networking opportunities for fans and creators of video recuts, remixes and mash-ups. They’ve announced a contest to promote fair use rights and to celebrate Remix Culture:
Create a short video remix that explains what Remix Culture means to you.Using video footage from any source, including Public Domain and Creative Commons licensed work, we want you to produce a creative, educational and entertaining video remix that communicates a clear message to a wide audience. The video is to be no shorter than 30 seconds and no longer then 3 minutes in duration.This contest is being run to promote awareness of remix culture in an educational capacity by encouraging the fair use of a wide variety of content and also to create a new pool of work that explains what remix culture is to the general public.
For more information on fair use, check out these guidelines from the Center for Social Media.
The submission period starts May 1 & ends June 2. Prizes include a laptop, camcorder and portable media player.
via JDLasica