Grape Radio Inks American Airlines Deal
Jan 28th, 2008 | By Elisabeth Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, Making Money with Podcasts While we were out covering the NAMM music industry convention last week, we had a wonderful lunch meeting with Gigavox Media’s Michael Geoghegan (with me in photo, right).
Michael told us lots of great stories about his work creating the Disney podcast before we headed over to play at Disneyland (shh! don’t tell our kids we went without them).
Our conversation ranged widely, but this tidbit is worth repeating: one of Michael’s other podcast projects, fine wine podcast Grape Radio, has sold the rights to run episodes of on American Airlines starting next month. An assortment of episodes will be available on the in-flight personal entertainment media players in both Business and First Class.
Says Michael: “I think this is another great example of the kinds of opportunities overlooked by most ‘podcasters.’ As I mentioned in my PNME 2007 presentation, you are more than just a podcaster. Once you stop focusing solely on your RSS feed and start to see yourself as a Digital Media Entrepreneur all sorts of other opportunities for building your brand, your distribution and monetization appear.”