Free DJ Mix From DJ Spooky

Nov 24th, 2007 | By | Category: Digital Music, General

Need something interesting to refill and refresh your iPod/Zune/portable media player.

DJ Spooky

DJ Spooky has posted an very cool, socially conscious mix tape, Ghost World, that explores the idea of a digital Africa.

You can preview it below and get the full scoop at Spooky’s site.

Here’s what DJ Spooky has to say about the mix tape:

‚ÄúBrian Eno once famously remarked that the problem with computers is that there isn‚Äôt enough Africa in them. I kind of think that its the opposite: they‚Äôre bringing the ideals of Africa: after all, computers are about connectivity, shareware, a sense of global discussion about topics and issues, the relentless density of info overload, and above all the willingness to engage and discuss it all – that‚Äôs something you could find on any street corner in Africa.

I just wanted to highlight the point: Digital Africa is here, and has been here for a while. This isn‚Äôt ‚Äúretro‚Äù – it‚Äôs about the future.

The ‚ÄúGhost World‚Äù mix is all about the multiple rhythms and languages of Africa, but it makes no attempt to give you everything – it‚Äôs from my record collection. That‚Äôs why the ‚Äústory‚Äù of the mix is about: polyrhythm, multiplex reality. There‚Äôs even more current material like the Kuduru sounds of Luanda (who says Techno doesn‚Äôt exist in Africa!?) and old school hip hop like Zimbabwe Legit from the early 90‚Äôs of classic ‚Äúconscious‚Äù school hip hop. Yes there‚Äôs material from Akon, but he gets mixed with Nelson Mandela, or MC Solaar, but I looked for material of his that combined with jazz, so Ron Carter‚Äôs brilliant bass playing worked out with that. There‚Äôs even material from my favorite South African composer, Abdullah Ibrahim or vocal outtakes from David Byrne and Brian Eno‚Äôs ‚ÄúMy Life in The Bush of Ghosts‚Äù and various guest appearances by African dictator Idi Amin or the former President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo talking about democracy in Nigeria.‚Äù

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