Smorgasbord of Podcasts – Part Two, Family Fun
Nov 22nd, 2007 | By Elisabeth Lewin | Category: Video Podcasts Family Fun magazine has a series of very short video podcasts on projects grown-ups can do with children. Past episodes have covered everything from ladybug cupcakes (Junior Mint spots!) to thumbprint daisies painted on shirts, to toilet-paper-tube puppets (I know, I know, goofy – I like it anyway). All these videos show and tell, in less than 90 seconds, all you need to know in order to complete a simple project.
In case your Thanksgiving day isn’t busy enough with cooking and scrambling to get the house clean before the relatives arrive, or even if your day is plenty busy, but you choose to spend a little time doing a kid-friendly project, check out Family Fun’s Thanksgiving videos. There is a featured video for making marshmallow pilgrim hats, with little more than melted chocolate chips, marshmallows, striped shortbread rounds, and yellow storebought icing for the buckle on the hat.
If you run short on time, you can just eat the components: marshmallows dipped in melted chocolate chips, chocolate-striped storebought shortbreads, and frosting. Kids like doing even that, as long as they get to do it with their grown-ups.
They also have a bunch of short video recipes that seem to feature turkey as a main ingredient, but I must draw the line at (eek) “Tex Mex Turkey Tacos.” Zoinks!