New Video Podcast Bets On Brown-Nosing Bloggers
Aug 2nd, 2007 | By James Lewin | Category: Internet TV, Video, Video Podcasts, Vlogs WebbAlert, a new video podcast that’s a variation on Rocketboom, has launched and is betting that by brown-nosing bloggers it can generate buzz for the show. The show, hosted by X-Play‚Äôs Morgan Webb, focuses on technology and gaming news.
Here’s what TechCrunch’s Mike Arrington has to say about the show:
Webb also “gets” how new media sites gain quick traction by embracing the community. The show will focus on tech and gaming news and will be featuring blog posts that break and cover the news over traditional news outlets. That will put her in the good graces of the bloggers, who will be more likely to link to the show over time.
In other words, suck up to A-list bloggers and you can get a lot of high-quality incoming links.
While there’s nothing particularly innovative about this approach, it highlights the fact that video search is still in its infancy, and that video podcasters need to be thinking about interacting with the blogosphere in order to attract links and buzz for their shows.