Elvis Costello Intros Podcast
Jun 21st, 2007 | By James Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, Digital Music Iconic punk rocker/new wave singer/songwriter Elvis Costello has introduced a podcast that offers fans a candid look at the first ten years of his career.
The Elvis Costello Podcast will be a ten-part weekly series running through August. The podcast is tied in with a new best of CD release.
Costello shares stories with producer Joseph Vella highlighting everything from his start in music and changing his name, to forming the Attractions and writing his first album, My Aim Is True. The interviews are accompanied by music samples from his first ten years as well by some of his musical inspirations.
You can subscribe to the Elvis Costello podcast by adding this feed URL to your podcast software:
I am surprised that the first two podcasts are each just 6 or 7 minutes long — there is so much material to mine in that time span, I would have expected more content. His first ten years in the limelight, his music seemed the most edgy, the most creative, certainy when compared to anything from the mid-80’s onward (“Every Day I Write The Book”? Puhleease.)
Even if they’re short, I’ll look forward to hearing the rest of the series.
[…] As part of the promotion for his new best of retrospective CD, Elvis Costello has released a podcast. It’s a 10 part weekly series with Elvis telling personal stories from his first 10 years in the music business. Short, simple and well produced, it’s a must listen for any fan. It’s not well promoted on his website; hopefully bloggers will pick up on it and spread the word. […]
[…] V√≠a Podcasting News […]
Good news for podcasting. It’s really a clever promotional medium for something like this, because I think that fans of Elvis Costello are so devoted to him and his music that if they know about it they’ll likely subscribe. I know I’ll be listening.
[…] You heard it right! Elvis Costello, the influential song writer and singer released a free podcast series to promote his new best of retrospective CD.¬† So Elvis‚Äô fans can grab this chance to know more about their idol. The promotional podcast series offers fans a candid look at the first ten years of his career. […]