Podcasters Across Borders Coming June 22-24
Jun 8th, 2007 | By James Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, Citizen Media, Corporate Podcasts, How to Podcast, Podcasting Events, Video Podcasts Podcasters Across Borders 2007, a podcasting event scheduled for June 22-24 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, will feature sessions, panels, an audio production workshop, two major concerts and even a boat cruise.
“We are approaching a second consecutive sellout,” said Mark Blevis, one of the show organizers. “We’ve attracted people from across Canada (including Whitehorse which is extremely north), the US, UK, Argentina, and Trinidad and Tobago.”
The organizers offer some amazing facts about PAB2007:
- 19 sessions (including a workshop) over 3 days
- 2 concerts in 2 nights, 3 bands in all
- 1 boat cruise
- 2 continental breakfasts (Saturday and Sunday)
- 1 buffet lunch (Saturday) with vegetarian and vegan dishes
- 1 free t-shirt for each registrant
- 1 free Freddy Litwiniuk CD for each registrant
- 1 lounge with couches for hanging out
- 1 participant-managed breakout room
- Crazy low registration fee… $100 Canadian per person!!!
More information is available at the PAB site.
Podcasters Across Borders Coming June 22-24…
If you’re a podcaster — or a podcaster-to-be who is in need of a nudge — Kingston, Ontario is the place to be the weekend of June 22-24, 2007.
Podcasters Across Borders 2007, the second annual not-for-profit international podcasting extravaganza…