YouTube To Split Revenue With Users
Apr 19th, 2007 | By James Lewin | Category: Digital Video Downloads, Internet TV, Video, Video Podcasts, Vlogs Variety reports that YouTube will update it site as early as next week to integrate advertising with its vast library of videos. Content creators who upload their videos to the site will be offered the option of having short ads shown at the beginning or end, with the resulting revenues split 50-50.
In order to do this, though, YouTube will have to provide publishers a way of controlling their videos. If you publish a video to the site, you probably won’t want someone else republishing it and collecting your ad revenue.
The desire for publishers to be able to control their content led Viacom to sue Google for 1 billion dollars. To deal with this issue, Google plans to introduce a new tool, Claim Your Content, that will help copyright holders ban unauthorized versions of their videos from the site.