Great Pro-Podcasting Propaganda From Magnatune
Apr 7th, 2007 | By James Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, Digital Music, Strange Magnatune is using some great pro-podcasting propaganda at its site to promote music podcasting.
The Podcasting is Selling Music logo parodies a 1980’s campaign by the British Phonograph Industry, Home Taping is Killing Music. Despite the best C30-C60-C90 efforts of home tape-makers, music somehow survived.
Magnatune is a net music label that specializes in Creative-Commons Music. Magnatune was one of the first record labels to embrace podcasting. They specifically grant non-commercial podcasters a waiver to their music without paying any fee to a royalty collection agency.
Update here.
[…] Magnatune, the first real Internet-era record label is actively promoting their music for podcasters. They launched great pro-podcasting propaganda at their site to encourage both commercial and non-commercial podcasters to use their music on their podcast shows. […]