Internet Video Reaches Tipping Point
Feb 6th, 2007 | By James Lewin | Category: Citizen Media, Digital Video Downloads, Making Money with Podcasts, Streaming Video, Video, Video Podcasts, Vlogs It looks like Internet video has reached a tipping point: two-thirds of the people surveyed in a recent study view streaming video content at least once a week.
More and more, viewers are watching on-demand video, and watching less TV. While television content is popular, some of the most popular Internet videos are turning out to be things you don’t typically find on television, like AJ dunking a basketball.
According to an report, 66% view streaming video at least once a week. 44 percent of video viewers are between the ages of 18 and 34, while 56 percent are age 35 and older.
- News and entertainment content are the most popular among streamers overall.
- Younger viewers are more likely to watch TV episodes online, create their own video content and foward video clips to friends. The 18-34 demographic also prefers to stream entertainment content such as music videos, television shows and movie trailers.
- Viewers 35 and older are more likely to view news and sports clips.
- 15-second advertisements not only preferred by consumers to TV-length ads but also perform better. End-play rates for 15-second spots are 20 percent higher than 30-second spots.
- When asked what would make video advertising more pleasurable, 66 percent of consumers ranked “shorter ads than television” as the number one factor.
“It’s fascinating how consumers are integrating streaming video into their old media consumption patterns — like watching TV episodes online,” said Rick Foster, vice president of video advertising products for “But as the positive consumer response to shorter ads clearly demonstrates, not all the offline rules apply online.”
via Marketwire