Zune Kills Off Virgin
Jan 6th, 2007 | By James Lewin | Category: Digital MusicVirgin Digital has shuttered its ailing US music service. The service had failed to make a dent in iTunes’ popularity, but the coup de gr√¢ce came with Microsoft’s decision to abandon PlaysForSure, the technology Virgin’s music store was based on. when it introduced the Zune.
Virgin has contacted subscribers, offering them a free MP3 player and three free months of Napster’s subscription service as an incentive to switch. Napster’s service is also PlaysForSure based.
Microsoft previously shuttered its own service based on PlaysForSure, leaving the technology with a clouded future, at best.
” but the coup de gr√¢ce came with Microsoft‚Äôs decision to abandon PlaysForSure, the technology Virgin‚Äôs music store was based on. when it introduced the Zune.”
Did Virgin say this? What are you basing the coup de grace Do you have any actual real news, data, or facts to back this up? Honestly, didn’t you learn anything in high school?