International Podcasting Expo Kicks Off
Oct 20th, 2006 | By James Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, How to Podcast, Making Money with Podcasts, Podcasting Events The International Podcasting Expo, an online expo being held October 20-22, kicked off today with a keynote from Podcasting News’ own Elisabeth McLaury Lewin, shown below.
Other Keynote speakers include Matt Mullenweg of WordPress and Andy Wibbels of BlogWild.
The Expo is an online expo, accessible using a Web browser. Anyone with an Internet connection can attend, and participants may download all event recordings.
Tickets to the Expo are $25; the keynote and several other events are open to anyone.
Two seminar tracks (Beginner and Advanced) will be staggered on the half hour, with each seminar lasting 1 hour.
The schedule, subject to change, is as follows:
Friday, October 20
- 8pm EST Keynote – Elisabeth Lewin, Podcasting News – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
- 9pm EST Andrew Schlichting, PRWeb Podcast: Using Press Releases to Market Your Podcast
- 9:30pm EST Chuck Russell: Beyond the Sermon: Podcasting Ideas For Churches (Round Table Discussion)
- 10pm EST Eric Olson, FeedBurner: Using Feedburner (Round Table)
- 10:30pm EST John C. Havens, Podcasting Guide: The Real ROI for Podcasting
- 11pm EST Deborah Micek, Advanced Business Blogging: Secrets of Podcasting Persuasion
Saturday, October 21
- 9am EST Anthony Caporale, Art of the Drink: Introduction to Videocasting
- 9:30am EST Leila Thigpen: Vocal Techniques for Podcasters
- 10am EST Dave Jackson, School of Podcasting: Explaining Different Audio Formats
- 10:30am EST Dick Schiferli, Pamela Pro & Paige Eissinger, 2 Smart Chix: Using Pamela for Podcasting
- 11am EST Michael Baumgarten, My Baby Monsters/Andy Bowers, The Sugar Monster Podcasting w/Children
- 11:15am EST Steven Stewart, Nokia: Podcasting with Nokia Phones
- 11:30am EST Karin Hoegh, How To Podcast – Step by Step
- 12pm EST Dr. Kathy King, iLearn Radio & Peter Yanke, BX Radio: Internet Radio Stations – Why?
- 1pm EST 2 Hour Networking Session: 7-Minute Speed Networking
- 3pm EST Nicole Simon, Bloxpert: Foster An International Audience
- 3:15pm EST KEYNOTE – Matt Mullenweg, WordPress: Using WordPress for Podcasting – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
- 4pm EST Budd Poston, Hawaii Local Style: Defining Your Target Market (workshop)
- 4:15pm EST Raven Blair Davis, Women Power Radio: Interview Joyce & Uchenna Agu, of The Amazing Race – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
- 4:30pm EST Penny Haynes, 1st Podcast Publishing: WavePad for Beginners – Recording and Editing
- 5pm EST Dave Nelsen, Talk Shoe: A New Way To Record Podcasts
- 5:30pm EST Rich Roszel, Crown Ministries: Professional Studio Equipment: If You Want To Upgrade
- 2 Hour Networking Session: 7-Minute Speed Networking
- 9:15pm EST KEYNOTE – Andy Wibbels, BlogWild Blogs and Podcasts: A Crucial Combination – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
- 9:30pm EST Douglas Snodgrass, WilFlipson Show: Advanced Wavepad Editing
- 10pm EST George Smyth, Assoc of Music Podcasting: What music to use in a podcast/where to find it
- 10:30pm EST Anthony Caporale, Art of the Drink: Advanced Videocasting
- 11pm EST Michael Sharp, PhoneCasting: PhoneCasting – The Future of Podcasting
Sunday October 22
- 9am EST Leesa Barnes, Caprica: Plan A Killer Podcast
- 9:30am EST Bertrand Lenotre, Podemus: Quel futur pour podcasting en France & en Europe? (in French)
- 10am EST Pete Davis, ClickCaster: Podcast User and Market Trends
- 10:30am EST Carter Harkins, innerTOOB: Interactive Podcasting – Inviting Your Audience to Participate
- 11am EST Jason Van Orden, Promoting Your Podcast: Guerrilla Podcast Marketing
- 11:30am EST Penny Haynes, 1st Podcast Publishing: Pulling Podcasts Onto Your Web Pages
- 12:30pm EST 2 Hour Networking Session: For Businesses Who Podcast, led by Jason Van Orden
- 3pm EST Dan Kuykendall, MightySeek: How to use PodPress
- 3:30pm EST Matt Mullenweg, WordPress: How To Install and Use WordPress (Workshop)
- 4pm EST Dr. Kathy King, Podcast for Teachers: Podcasting for Education
- 4:30pm EST Mike Cecotka, Video Production Secrets: Why VideoPodcasting?
- 5pm EST Jerry Franklin, Audacity Guy: Basic Audio Editing with Audacity
- 5:30pm EST Rob Anderson, Co-Op World: SeminarCasting & How to Run Your Own Expo
- 6:30pm EST Last Chance Networking Session: Open to paying attendees
Unlimited access tickets to all seminars, workshops and networking events are $25. They also include:
- free recording, editing and mixing software,
- training for the software,
- free Pamela Pro Skype Addon software,
- training for Pamela Pro
- a Podcasting Handbook multi-media ebook, and
- downloads of all 40+ recordings from the Expo.
Details on the event are available at the International Podcasting Expo site.
[…] The first expo spurred a few more niche specific expos which allowed specific niche topics to be covered. Examples of these were the “Dogs World Expo”,“Virtual Assistants expo” and the more popular “The international Online Podcasting Expo”. […]