PodCamp West Announced
Oct 5th, 2006 | By James Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, Citizen Media, Podcasting Events, Video Podcasts, Vlogs Organizers have announced another PodCamp event, PodCampWest, scheduled for November 18-19th, 2006 in San Francisco. PodCamps are free unconferences in the tradition of BarCamp, an ad-hoc gathering to share information in an open manner.
PodCampWest will be free to attend and is inspired by the PodCamp Boston.
Here is a list of sessions that organizers expect to be offering:
- Panel Discussion – Podcast Formats
- Panel Discussion – Videocast (or VLogging) Formats
- Panel Discussion – Content Networks are the new blogs
- Podcasting and Guerrilla Marketing
- Podcasting with Garageband
- Skypecasting & Phone interviews
- Corporate Podcasting – being the mouthpiece of a company for fun and profit
- Video Podcasting with iMovie
- Podcasting for Business – Beyond Adsense.
- Audio Drama Podcasts: Producing and Acting Tips
- Video Podcasts, VLogging –
- Gear Sharing/Discussing
- Portable Rigs and Techniques
- Meet the Band (talk with a podsafe band)
- Music Podshows
- Mashup Cast- a live podcast demo with more than one show!
- Teaching through Technology – Podcasts and Education
- Interviewing techniques
- Audio engineering basics for dummies
- Power listening – how to manage and listen to as many great podcasts as possible
- Podsearch – how do you find great podcasts?
More information is available at the PodCamp West site.