Talking Robots Podcast Looks at Science, Technology and Business of Robotics
Sep 20th, 2006 | By James Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, Educational Podcasts, Podcast Quickies A new podcast, Talking Robots, features interviews with high-profile professionals in robotics and artificial intelligence for an inside view on the science, technology, and business of intelligent robotics. The podcast is created by the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, EPFL, Switzerland.
The initial episode (MP3) features an interview with Dario Floreano, a professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, about the roots, the current trends and the future of robotics and artificial intelligence.
Floreano’s work include the areas of evolutionary robotics and electronics, bio-mimetic engineering, biology reverse engineering, and computational intelligence (evolutionary systems, neural networks, swarm intelligence).