Mobilecasting Update: Linked Media To Bring Podcasts Mobile
Jun 10th, 2006 | By James Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, Mobile Podcasting, Podcasting Services Linked Media is a new UK company that hopes to provide “an interface between independent podcasters and emerging mainstream distribution channels.”The company plans to help mobile networks and other providers build relationships with, and acquire content from, independent podcast producers worldwide by providing a bridge between them.
“Independent podcasters cannot compete with big business branding and marketing campaigns, but we believe we can help them to use emerging channels such as mobile to reach new listeners,” said Neil Dixon, director of Linked Media. “This puts them on a more level playing field with the bigger commercial producers.”
“The single largest stumbling block to podcasters exploiting the full potential of mobile downloading is the current cost of network bandwidth,” adds Linked Media co-founder Adrian Pegg. “But this looks set to change with increasing consumer demand for original, entertaining content on the move and rapid developments in mobile and wifi technology offering faster downloads.”Linked Media is already engaged in discussions with a number of major networks, both in the UK and abroad, according to the company.
Source: Linked Media