Unsubstatiated Rumor: Apple OS X to Add BitTorrent Client
May 1st, 2006 | By James Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, GeneralMac OS Rumors is reporting that the next release of Mac OS X, code name Leopard, will include a BitTorrent client.
BitTorrent support could be beneficial to podcasters, because it could reduce the cost of distribution of large media files by using the popular peer-to-peer file sharing network.
According to the report, Mac OS X 10.5 will include a system-level BitTorrent filesharing client that can be user-customized to donate upstream Internet bandwidth for things like pushing Software Update packages to Leopard users and delivering iTunes Store content.
According to Mac OS Rumors, “Rewards would include credit at the iTunes Store and the Apple Store as well as other affililated offers like free airtime minutes for Apple’s forthcoming “iPhone” and the like.”
BitTorrent has been promoted by podcast pioneers Dave Winer (scripting.com) and Andrew Baron (Rocketboom) as a way for indie podcasters to scale up to many subscribers without huge hosting charges and user delays.
via Mac OS Rumors