Iowa Caucus Podcasts, Blogs & New Media
Jan 3rd, 2008 | By Elisabeth Lewin | Category: Citizen Media Podcasting News is headquartered in Iowa’s capital city, Des Moines, so we’ve had a front-row seat for the preparations to the first-in-the-nation Presidential nominating caucus.
I’ll be busy this evening working at our neighborhood caucus, but may have time to post some Seesmic videos later. Look for videos from podcastmama.
Here are some resources you can check out to find out more about the caucuses:
- You can follow the caucus results with CNN at CNN, by the way, calls the Iowa caucus process arcane.
- On Twitter, @IowaCaucus will have local reports from Iowa caucus-goers. You can follow us there via @podcastmama and @podcasting_news
- There are some kids from out of state who are podcasting from the caucuses
- Brave New Films is sponsoring election video coverage from bloggers
- Join Scott Sundstrom, an Obama supporter, podcasts about New Year’s day canvassing in the cold
Elections blogger Jacob Soboroff of WhyTuesday caught up with veteran ABC Newsman Sam Donaldson at the Polk County Convention Center and got some insight into the process:
If you’re talking about the caucuses, let us know in the comments!
Back from the Caucus. Barack Obama took our caucus with two delegates to Clinton’s one.
[…] Iowa Caucus Podcasts, Blogs & New Media at Podcasting News […]
It’s no coincidence that “chaos” and “caucus” sound so similar. Nonetheless, I was proud to be part of the process and pleased to see record numbers turn out on both sides. I hope this helps us hold onto our “First in the Nation” status.