31 Days of Free “Music”: Brutal, Unrelenting Noise
Mar 11th, 2007 | By James Lewin | Category: Audio Podcasting, Digital Music March 11: It’s 31 Days of Free Music month at Podcasting News. Every day in March, we’re highlighting a free music podcast.
So far this month we’ve highlighted podcasts with lots of nice music:
- Nice piano music
- Nice guitar music
- Nice americana music
- Nice Irish and Celtic music
- More f***ing nice music
They gotta lotta nice music – a haw, haw, haw, haw. But enough of that.
Today we want to introduce you to something different. A podcast that offers brutal, unrelenting noise.
Michael Oster is a professional audio producer in Tampa, Florida. He’s also ReGurgiTron, a master of dynamic synthesis and reorganization of sonic properties through a combination of organic and computer assisted means – also known as breaking things.
“Imagine being surrounded by 20 transistor radios, each one tuned between different stations,” explains Oster. “And the whole time you’re getting a simultaneous root canal and testicle peel!”
We’re not sure what a testicle peel is, but it sounds pretty painful – like ReGurgiTron’s music. Oster describes as “bound to give you motion sickness!”
You can preview ReGurgiTron below, or subscribe to the podcast by adding this URL to your podcast software:
ReGurgiTron’s podcast hasn’t been updated in a long time – but Oster’s got more random acts of chaos with his Difficult Listening Channel podcast:
Listen at your own risk!
Here are a couple to check out, if you haven’t all ready:
Great idea, focusing on free music!
[…] March 11 – Unrelenting, brutal, harsh noise from ReGurgiTron […]